Why Do Links on Unicorn Platform Always Have a Slash?
If you've noticed that all the links to your items on your homepage are automatically redirected to include a trailing slash ( /), you're not alone. This is how Unicorn Platform is designed to handle URLs, and it’s a standard practice followed by many websites. Why Are Trailing Slashes Required? Unicorn Platform enforces trailing slashes at the end of URLs for consistency and best practices. Here’s why: Standard Web Practice – Most websites follow a structure where URLs end withFeaturedThere are pages in Google Search Console that are not on the site
If you notice pages in Google Search Console that you did not create: Checking if Your Pages Are Indexed by Google Sitemap Check: There's a tool called a "sitemap" that helps search engines like Google discover the pages on your website. You can check if your pages are listed in your sitemap by visiting this URL (replace example.com with your actual website addreFew readersError "Page is not indexed: Page with redirects" in Google Search Console
This console warning indicates that Google couldn’t scan the page https://domain.com/top-rated. This is expected behavior because the actual top-rated page is at https://domain.com/top-rated/ (with a trailing slash). The /top-rated page is not indexed, while the /top-rated/ page is indexed as it should be. You can confirm this by using the URL Inspection tool on https://domain.com/top-rated/Few readers