Articles on: Advanced features

How to export website

This guide will help you export your website.

Set up time: 2 mins.
Difficulty: easy.

Step 1: Go to the General settings > Export HTML tab:

Step 2: Download assets and unzip the archive:

Export settings

Exported files

Step 3: Download the HTML pages of your website and put them in "exported_website" folder:

Export settings

Exported files

Done! Now your website is on your local machine and ready to be uploaded to your own hosting or you can use it on any purpose.

Exported website

NOTE: By exporting the website and hosting it somewhere else you are taking the full responsibility of your website uptime. You will also have to manually re-export all your pages to get the latest updates. Also, Unicorn Platform doesn't provide support for exported websites. Exported website cannot be imported back to Unicorn Platform.

You need to upload your images and videos to your own static files server. Images from your website stored on our hosting will be automatically deleted 30 days after the subscription cancellation.

Updated on: 22/12/2023

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