Articles on: Advanced features

How to create multi-language website with nested urls

In this guide, I'll show you how to create nested pages using the example of creating multilingual site pages.

Let's take a website with several pages in English as an example and create a Spanish version of those pages.

1. Create nested pages

Renaming existing pages to create nested pages for the English version of the site.
To do this, go to "Page settings" and in the "Page URL" field, add the path en/page-name for each page.

It’s really important to update all the links to the renamed pages in buttons and links on your site.

2. Create page duplicates

Now create duplicates to make the Spanish version of the pages.
To do this, click on the "three dots" button in the pages dropdown menu and select "Duplicate" and repeat this for each page.

3. Renaming the pages for the Spanish version

We’re replacing "en" with "es" in the page paths.
We’ll also rename the homepage for the Spanish site and make sure to update the links in the buttons and components to point to the Spanish versions of our pages.

4. Translate the content

We’ll need to translate the content into Spanish for the Spanish version of your site.
You can do this manually or use the AI feature to help with the translation by selecting the appropriate options for each component on the page.

Just keep in mind that the AI tool also changes the links, so you might need to update the links or adjust the page names accordingly to the links name.

5. Language switcher

To make things easier, we’ll add a language switcher to the navigation panel.
Go to the navigation panel editing section and create a new item under "Edit the nav links" and name it "Choose language".

Please note that the navigation panel and footer are the same for the entire site.
So the language in the navigation panel and footer will be consistent across all pages, regardless of the language of the content in the components.

By clicking the "plus" button, add two items for the two languages of your site.
For the English version, use the "slash" in the page path as it’s the home page.
For the Spanish version, use the link "/es/home" as we named that page earlier, and save your changes.

6. Publish pages and enjoy

Now you can publish the duplicate pages and enjoy your multilingual site.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to us through the support chat.

Updated on: 02/08/2024

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