Featured Articles
- How to connect SEObot, publish and unpublish SEObot post
- How to hide your website from Google
- How to Upload Domain Verification Files to Your Website (ads.txt, well-known, apple-app-site-association, assetlinks)
- How to delete component
- Transferring a site to another account
- How to set a Favicon for your website and blog
Browse All Categories
- Custom domainHow to connect your own domain and manage DNS records.
- FormsLearn how to create forms to collect visitors' emails and details.
- Website settingsLearn how to customize your website's fonts, colors and more.
- FeaturesExplore the functionality of Unicorn Platform.
- Directory componentA directory component connected to Google Sheets displays dynamic data from the sheet in a structured format on a website.
- Dynamic data (CMS)Let's create pages where the content will be automatically filled from Google Sheets or through an API.
- No imageComponent settingsСommon settings for most components
- No imageComponentsA gallery of components and their settings
- Widgets and integrationsLearn how to connect widgets and power up your marketing efforts.
- Advanced featuresDiscover advanced features & techniques. For pro users.
- PaymentsStart accepting payments on your landing page.
- BlogsSee the guides on setting up and running your blog.
- Custom extensionsAdd some HTML magic if you need more power.
- AccountLearn how to manage your account and subscription.
- No imageExtensionsAdds features and functions to the platform.
- PopupCreate, customize, open on scroll and automatically.
- APIExplore our public API documentation.
- Google Search ConsoleExplanation of errors related to Search Console.
- F.A.Q.Questions that are not directly related to the platform.
- No imageWarnings and FailuresIssues related to external services.
- No imageHIPAA ComplianceHIPAA Compliance on Unicorn Platform