How to embed slides
To embed slide (Image) follow steps:
Edit component
Scroll to the "Image slider" section in the "Content" tab
Upload a new photo
You have two options for adding a new image:
a) Click "Choose a file", then select an image from your device or from cloud storage services like Google Drive, Dropbox, etc.
b) Alternatively, paste the image URL
Save changes
To change a slide (Image) follow these steps:
Edit component
Scroll to the "Image slider" section in the "Content" tab
Remove the current image
Upload a new image
Save changes
To embed slide (Video) follow steps:
Edit component
Scroll to the "Image slider" section in the "Content" tab
Select "Video" subtab
Enter URL of a YouTube or Vimeo video. You can also paste a direct URL to a video file (must end on '.mp4') or a Wistia video embed code.
Save changes
Updated on: 27/09/2024
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