Articles on: HIPAA Compliance

Ensuring HIPAA Compliance on Unicorn Platform

HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) is a set of regulations that govern the privacy and security of patient data in the healthcare industry.

If you're building a healthcare website or application, it's important to ensure that it's HIPAA compliant to protect patient data.

Unicorn Platform is a website builder that provides templates and components that comply with HIPAA standards, for example: buttons, forms, sliders, dynamic directory that populates data from a .tsv file and others.

However, it's important to note that when you create a website, you may include third-party integrations such as feedback forms or payment systems.
Unicorn Platform provides several HIPAA compliant intake forms, for instance Mailchimp (an email and marketing automations platform) which is HIPAA compliant.

To ensure that these integrations also meet HIPAA requirements, it's recommended to verify this information with the integration providers for an accurate response.

Moreover, the platform also offers SSL encryption, DDoS protection, and regular security audits to keep your site safe and HIPAA-compliant.

Updated on: 22/08/2024

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