Articles on: API

Edit blog post


Edit an existing blog post.

{seobot_api_key} can be acquired in the Blog settings:

{seobot_post_id} is a unique string identifier that was assigned on POST request.


slugstringPath of the new blog post. Must be unique across the blog.No
htmlstringHTML content of the new post.No
headlinestringMeta title.No
metaDescriptionstringMeta description.No
metaKeywordsstringMeta keywords. Aren't used anywhere at this moment.No
thumbnailUrlstringSource URL of the post's thumbnail image.No
createdAtstringPublication date. Must be in this format: YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS.No
publishedbooleanWhether or not the new post is publicly available.No
directorystringSpecify the subdirectory for the new blog post. Goes to the default directory if not specified. Example: "nocode".No
is_deletedbooleanMark the post as deleted.No


200 OK

    "success": true

Updated on: 06/02/2024

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