Articles on: Directory component

Dynamic categories page

Here's what you need to for this functionality:

Sheet with two tabs:

TOOLS tab with the main info. The following columns must be included:

title — the name of the element
category — tags for sorting, listed with a ";" (e.g., Marketing;Writing;Email)

CATEGORIES tab with category info, where the following must be included

title — the name of the category, corresponding to the first tab (e.g., Marketing, Writing, Email)

Website with three pages:

Home - page with 2 directory components:

TOOLS Directory Component
Source Google Sheets URL — link to the first TOOLS tab
In component settings: Items on click: /tools/title
CATEGORIES Directory Component
Source Google Sheets URL — link to the second CATEGORIES tab
In component settings: Items on click: /categories/title


Source Page settings -> Data source: link to the first TOOLS tab


Source Page settings -> Data source: link to the second CATEGORIES tab
The page has a directory component with the following settings:
Source Data source -> Google Sheets URL — link to the first TOOLS tab

In settings Content -> Filters -> Source=category -> Show items by filters= {{$title}}

In Code -> Directory items HTML -> Items -> <a target="_blank" href="https://DOMAIN_NAME/tools/{{page}}">

Here's a quick list of the essentials.

Updated on: 04/12/2024

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